Thursday 4 August 2016




Across the whole world in many countries there are situations of economic crisis. The causes can different ranging from poor economic policies, trade deficits, poor governance and political environment, corruption, drought and climatic issues. From a spiritual point of view, it could be attack from the devil who wants people to suffer.

It should be noted that in such a scenario, marriages are not spared. Because of this economic crisis, there is cash shortages, challenges in businesses, unemployment because companies are closing. Many marriages are shaking because of this phase (which I strongly believe will pass). Some are making or about to make disastrous decisions because of this economic crisis. Their decisions will affect their marriages for life. Check closely how economic crisis can affect OR has affected your marriage decisions.

Effect of Economic Crisis On Marriage Life

Cheating: Some couples in relationships tend to cheat on each other. Many, because of financial challenges, will enter into multiple relationships so that they are given ‘more’ money to cater for their daily expenses. This is bad. Love is unconditional. Don’t cheat on your wife or husband because of the crisis.
Divorce: Some couples are about to divorce or are divorcing because of the economic crisis. It could be the man who feels that he can no longer able to support the family. It could also be the woman who will see it not necessary to continue in a marriage or relationship in which the head is not sustainably and gainful employed or financially stable.
Disrespect: If couples are not careful they may have disrespect for each other because of the economic crisis. You may call each other names, blame each other, angry on each other or even fight because of the situation. That honnie has now become some rubbish. That chocolate has now become a monster.
Loss of Love and Communication: Suddenly the home becomes quiet, there is no more fire. There is no life in the marriage. Love is now a stranger in your marriage.
Diseases and death: This is a serious case if not managed well. Some couples because of stress and high blood pressure will develop other off shoot diseases. Some will lose appetite because of thinking too much. Some will lose weight and develop cancer problems and unfortunately some die. Oh my God, Lord have mercy.

How To Sail Through In Your Marriage

Continue loving each other: There is no reason to have love based on economy. Love the person regardless of the economy.
* Revisit your budget: In this era you need to remove some unnecessary luxuries you can't afford from your budget. This is wisdom.
Supplementary finances: In this times have more financial streams. Don’t depend on that job or just one business. If possible the wife can get a job. In fact the wife has to be industrious like the wife of Proverbs 31. Do not be just a housewife without any benefit. You are helpmeet.
Have faith in God: Believe in God and have faith in Him. He will protect your marriage in such a time as this. Have time to pray for your country and read the Bible to see how God had providences in time past. Do not develop fear. Fear is a killer.

John Museredzo is a relationships expert with a bias towards the youth and family counseling. Contact him on +263775127589 for counseling, articles, books and mentorship.

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