Tuesday, 28 March 2023



New King James Version Numbers 13:30 Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”


Born and bred in Hippo Valley Estates with a not so rosy background, did casual work and cane cutting for some university funds. I went to Form 1 barefooted and many of my seniors laughed at me. Against all odds made fulfilment of the vision I had through a positive mindset.

*🔵Mindset:* Collection of thoughts and state of the mind that influences how you think, feel behave and react to situations.

Your mindset determines your success , it can empower or limit you, it can uplift or pull you down. Your version gravitates towards your mindset (we are more than grasshoppers). You are the product of your mindset, how you think. 

For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he - Prov 23:7

The brain must used. It rains according to your brains. Many people are so spiritual to the extend of not using the brain.

Your mindset will not grow because you are married, it grows because you are willing.

*🔵 Positive Mindset*

A state of mind and emotional attitude that envisions and expects positive results and allows you to see the best in yourself regardless of the situation. The future is waiting to greet and reward people with a positive mindset. Positive Mindset is critical everywhere and everywhere. Positive Mindset penetrates against all odds 

Mindset, Mentality, mental disposition

*🔵Advantages of Positive Mindset*

- Positive mentality determines how you see things and your attitude

- Positive mentality will make you to conquer and handle life challenges and still experience success and victory.

- Positive mindset breaks jaws of bad background, environment and situations (testimony in Hippo Valley, Marondera, Hwange)

- Positive mindset enables you to be consistently focused and not giving up easily and coming up even when you fall.

- Positive mindset makes you to see what others don't see, ahead of others, further than others, before others see.

Panobudika. Don't die before you die

*🔵How to develop positive mindset*

1. Purpose (Jer 1:5)

True success starts when we discover our purpose. Purpose is what God created you for (assignment, calling, calling) Purpose discovered is life recovered. Purpose revealed is life revealed. 

God has a plan for you Jer 29:11

Your mind must be tuned to your purpose. Many young people don't why they are on this earth. Discover your purpose and never divert from your purpose. Don't immitate another person's purpose. We are different. You can come on earth and go.

2. Vision

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish

- A vision is a mental picture if the future. A challenging vision attracts positive mindset. For you to get your vision you need to think positive 

- Visualize your future and your tomorrow....Purpose discovered is life recovered and destiny revealed. Usararama kunge une mudzimu.

- The vision must be able to stretch your mind

- Write down the vision and the future Hab 2:4  (testimony my vision to be an international speaker- Ezekiel Tv and travelling to nations, pastor, author, education, graphic designer revealed in Hippo Valley and sealed in Marondera by writing everything and doing it - preaching to the trees and empty benches, license, passport, houses, stands, cars)

- Usangoti I am going to be a great person usina licence kana passport.

- The mind follows the vision and the vision changes the way you think.

- Mungafunga zvipenyu seyi pasina kana chamunoona chipenyu cheramangwana makadzimirwa

- Think big and see big (Gen 13:) even your marriage, don't see yourself as a failure. Panobudika

- Invest in your vision, follow your vision and become what you want to be. 

3. Mentorship

 Proverbs 24:6 For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.

- Get people who can mentor you and show you positive mindset and that it can be done

- Look for mentors who challenge you not who lead you into failure ( Overseer Nhakura)

- Counselling and Guidance is critical mindset development

- These people are examples of conquering attitude, with maturity and experience.

-  These people have track record and example that it can be done.

- When you have a mentor, don't be rigid to the extend that you want to teach the mentor.

- Mentorship is a fountain of wisdom

4. Networking and Association

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”

- Networking is a powerful tool in mindset development.

Give me your friend and I will give you your future

- If your friend or those around you are negative you are likely to be negative.

- Mindset is contagious: Who is your friend or associate, what do they think about life? 

- Run away from negative friends associates and find friends who are positive.

- Networking brings a pool of ideas critical to your mindset (information exchange)

- Testimony (the team I was staying with are now pastors)

- Testimony on developing as an author - RS, AM, also Corel draw learning. Expose yourself to people who can challenge you for the better

- Spend time with positive people who have positive outlook, positive stories and positive affirmations.

4. Deal with negativity

Numbers 13:31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.”

- Caleb and Joshua: confront and challenge negative thoughts, fears and threats, tough situation (2 Tim 1:7)

- Never let your condition determine your position.

- Never let your environment  determine your development (no relish for sadza testimony, Hwange 6 time to board aeroplanes. In the desert there shall be springs of water.)

- Love yourself and believe on yourself and build your capacity, confidence and self esteem.

- Don't believe in negative words from anyone or the devil (ucharoorwa here kana kuroora here in such situations). Some will laugh at but continue believing for a better future.

- Deal with discouragement and encourage your self as David did (1 Sam 30:6). It's a matter of time tinopabuda chete (Ps 30:5, James 1:2, Phil 4:4)

- Act, carry yourself and walk in a positive way (usazvinzwira tsitsi, kana kufamba semunhu ane manyoka)

- Start to practice in a positive way (in that contrary situation I became an evangelist)

- Dress the way you want life to address you (ndapedza kudya sadza rine sauti ndopfeka sutu kwakunoparidza)

- Mind your language and speak in a positive way about yourself: Kingdom vocabulary (Caleb and Joshua to counter the negative, testimony of margarine and salt in sadza, Tell yourself - zvinopera, it's temporary, panobudika)

- Replace negative words with positive affirmations (I am a great person)

- Expose yourself to challenging situations (A level testimony)

Discover your weakness (shyness, lack of self esteem, socio phobia)and challenge then or deal with them (sexual challenges- future gone)

5. Feed your mind positively

- The mind grows by what you feed it

- Don't feed your mind with rubbish (pornography, evil thoughts, social forwards, social media garbage esp jokes which do not build you etc)

- You have power over your mind

- go to school to develop yourself (Kutoda kuroorwa apa chikoro hamuna - Brazilian hair iri padofo - empty head, testimony relevant Diplomas and Degrees) The purpose of school education is to develop your mind not necessarily to get a certificate 

- Dzimwe nharo dzenyu kutoshaya chikoro chaicho, kwete kungoti mautsukuna munene washangwe (gone are the days yekuroorwa nekuda kwegaro kwakudiwawo musoro)

- Be a reader: Read good inspirational books on mindset development and build a positive mindset. Youth today don't want to read

- take advantage of technology, what new things have you learnt so far? (testimony- graphic designing through technology) Imi kungoenda pawatsapp kunoti kkkk zvatopera mune shuwa here. Ndicho chivindi chaicho

-Think outside the box or remove the box.

Expose yourself to greatness. One of the tricks of the devil is tell you average is good. (Lazarus come out)

6. Believe the word of God

-affirm and agree with the Word, speak and confess the word (Gen 18:14, 1 John 4:4) homologio

-be a fighter and have faith (first car after the voice of God of faith, Hwange the gauge of fuel rose when fuel was no more). God uses you according to the level of your faith and mindset

-pray and fast Mt 17:21 - Ruzawi Mt (Oh God extend my territory, Since the days of John the Baptist)

John Museredzo is a life coach l pastor l business leadership expert l author


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 *DEVELOPING A POSITIVE KINGDOM MINDSET* New King James Version Numbers 13:30 Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us ...